- Teacher: Bell Wendy
- Teacher: Ward Elizabeth
Englisch C1 Wissenschaftskommunikation Wiwi (mündlich/MWK) (Bell)
Englisch C1 Wissenschaftskommunikation - Wiwi - MWK
Working with academic and business texts, video and audio files, this course focuses on improving effective verbal communication for use in the academic, as well as international business environment. Various speaking and presentation exercises strengthen the student's abilities in concisely and persuasively presenting concepts and information. The course grade is comprised of two presentations, assignments in and outside of class and "continuous assessment." Students must attend 80% of the course meetings and complete all assignments including an in-class course exam at the end of the semester. The in-class test must be passed to complete the course. This is a pass/fail course requiring a grade of 3.0 to pass the course.
- Teacher: Bell Wendy
- Teacher: Ward Elizabeth
General Information for Englisch C1 Wisskomm - Wiwi courses
"Rules" and important info!
It looks longer and scarier than it actually is! I just want to document the info, so that we are clear about expectations.